The key to effective practice is to set goals, no matter how small, and work specifically on achieving that goal. This may mean starting slowly, perhaps learning a piece hands separately (for piano players), then play through short parts of a work (e.g. a few bars, or a single line) until you can play it through several times over without error. Then move on to the next section and repeat the process. Then the next practice, reaffirm what you learned the previous day by playing it again several times without error, before moving on to the next section or number of bars.
If there's one thing I have learned from my years of studying: You can practice the same thing incorrectly 10 hours a day and see zero improvement, or you can practice ten minutes a day and learn 2 - 3 bars perfectly. Eventually it will "click" and suddenly you'll be playing that challenging piece that a month ago seemed impossible. When you are first starting out, it can be hard to see progress. But by recording what you achieve each practice, and setting goals for the next practice, you will start to see how much you have improved. 2 days ago you may have struggled to play 1 bar of a piece, and then in a week you may be playing 2 whole pages. Progress, even if slower one week then the next, is still progress. Be proud of your achievements.
To help, we have provided current students with a practice log in the Student Portal. If you are a current piano student who has not received access to the student portal please email to request portal access. From the portal you can view the How To Guide on Tracking Practice in the Practice Log; this is also visible on the SAAOM Student Group on Facebook (accessible only to current students).
If you are not a current student and would like to enrol, please complete the online enrolment form at under "Future Students. Please note that many pages of our website will not be made available until closer to our new studio opening date. If you cannot view the page you are looking for, please check back regularly or follow us on FaceBook or Instagram @saacademyofmusic as updates to our website will be posted there as they occur. We currently have a waiting list for new students wanting to commence from late 2020. Please contact us if you would like to be added to this waiting list.
Remember: Practice smarter, not longer!
Example 1: Students can track their practice and compare against the studio average.